Financial Literacy Campaign
Financial Literacy Week 2019’ was inaugurated on June 3, 2019 in Reserve Bank of India, Hyderabad by Shri Rahul Bojja, Commissioner of Agriculture, Telangana State. Shri Subrata Das, Regional Director for Andhra Pradesh & Telangana State, Shri T.S.Rao, Chief General Manager, Shri Sundaram Shankar, General Manager and Smt. M. Usha, Deputy General Manager of Reserve Bank of India, Hyderabad, Chief General Managers from NABARD, Andhra Pradesh Regional Office and Telangana State Regional Office attended the meeting. Senior Officers from Andhra Bank, Canara Bank, Indian Bank, Syndicate Bank, HDFC Bank, Officials from SLBC, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh and Directors from ICAR-CRIDA and ATARI also attended the function. Officials from Financial Inclusion and Development Department, RBI, Hyderabad participated in the inaugural function.

Financial Literacy Campaign